Posts tagged Project
What is your Purpose/Project?

Ever feel like your a flag blowing in the wind without a flag pole? It's not a great feeling. But it happens to everyone. One way to reduce these moments, (can't promise to eliminate flag pole-less days), is to have a sense of purpose, (a why), that acts as your flag pole. With a connection to your purpose, it's a lot easier to have a sense of direction for your actions, projects, missions, etc. The "What is your Purpose/Project?" worksheet is a tool that introduces you to your true self so that you can make something great for the world.

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Life Together.

I had lunch today with John and Alyssa of KUNST. Over the years, we’ve worked on several projects together as their company has evolved. Our initial collaboration was a magazine project. The publication covered old local buildings and the people who take care of them. Nowadays, John and Alyssa are the ones taking care of the buildings, restoring them into private apartments, and co-living communities around downtown Cincinnati.

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