Posts tagged millennialification
What is your Purpose/Project?

Ever feel like your a flag blowing in the wind without a flag pole? It's not a great feeling. But it happens to everyone. One way to reduce these moments, (can't promise to eliminate flag pole-less days), is to have a sense of purpose, (a why), that acts as your flag pole. With a connection to your purpose, it's a lot easier to have a sense of direction for your actions, projects, missions, etc. The "What is your Purpose/Project?" worksheet is a tool that introduces you to your true self so that you can make something great for the world.

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Branding In A Time Of Covid

The visual identity for Covid-19 is pretty scary. It’s often a super-condensed sans-serif typeface, all caps, in blood red. I’m pretty sure the design team went to movie posters for Outbreak and Contagion for inspiration. As much as I don’t love the Millennialification of everything via branding, I was curious about what the Covid-19 identity would look like if it was more approachable like Chobani. It’s incredible how much a few colors and typefaces can change the presentation of an idea. I’m left almost as scared of branding as I am of Covid-19.

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